Guitar Pedal Database

Guitar and Bass Effects Pedal Database


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Help build the guitar pedal database

Welcome to the guitar Effects Pedal Database we are trying to build from scratch, hopefull with the help of the guitar pedal community and pedal builders alike.

The database is built in such a way that Pedal builders can add themselves as a contributor to the site and then have the ability to add, edit and manage their pedals including all technical data, circuits diagrams, demo videos and any other related information.

Pedal Builders:
Add your pedals with multiple photos
Add complete descriptions and technical data (technical data will be used in the future for additional search functions)
Embed demo videos from Youtube
Add links to your online shop, product page, social media accounts and more

Pedal enthusiasts, buyers and users
As the database developes you should find the pedals you are aftter as well as technical specifications and more
We will continue to work on the search and filter options so that you can search and filter according to brand, tech specs and more

Development Roadmap:
1. Populating the Guitar Pedal Database
2. Additional layout and user experience tweeks including multiple search options
3. Youtube Channel and Social Media Channels
4. Complete user rating and commenting system
5. Add a shop and dropship terms

How to register and add pedals to the website

Pedal Builder Menu